Free Printable Gingerbread Man Templates
It is the holiday season! That means lots of holiday cookies and crafting. Of course the cutest holiday cookies are gingerbread man cookies. They also are adorable for making crafts and decorations. Use these free printable gingerbread men templates for all kinds of holiday fun.
The templates and gingerbread man outlines come in a variety of shapes and sizes. There are standing gingerbread men, sitting, outlines, and of course gingerbread women! Plus, ginger bread hats to wear. So much gingerbread fun to have this holiday season to get into the Christmas season.
All you have to do is pick out the template or templates you like. Then click on the CLICK HERE button above the image you want to download. Download the printable pdf file, you will need a pdf reader. These printables are for personal use not commercial use. However, feel free to print out the gingerbread man or woman printable multiple times.
These are great for a group of kids to use at a party or to decorate classroom bulletin boards. The outlines can be used as cookie cutters for real gingerbread cookies or making gingerbread theme ornaments to hang on the tree.
16 Gingerbread Man and Woman Templates
The first cute gingerbread man style is a sitting gingerbread man with his hands up. This one is a coloring version or one to print out on brown construction paper or cardstock paper. These printables are fun for crafts, home decor, or party decorations.
CLICK HERE for the large sitting gingerbread man.
CLICK HERE for the medium sitting gingerbread man.
CLICK HERE for the small sitting gingerbread man.
CLICK HERE for the medium sitting gingerbread man. This size is great for cookie cutters.
CLICK HERE for the small sitting gingerbread man outlines.
The next style of gingerbread man is a standing gingerbread man is a standing gingerbread man. This one comes in a few sizes for banners, crafts, and gift bags.
CLICK HERE for the large standing gingerbread man. This one comes in color but you can also print it and use the outline to trace on cardstock or construction paper. The color standing gingerbread man comes in a medium size too with a gingerbread lady.
CLICK HERE for the small standing gingerbread man. This size is great for making cards and crafts with kids.
CLICK HERE for the medium standing gingerbread man outline. I love these for cookie cutters and make your own little gingerbread men.
Now we have a sweet little gingerbread man and woman. The two of them are the cutest and would be so cute for party decorations or on a bulletin board in a classroom. Use the color, black and white, or outline version for your crafting needs.
CLICK HERE for the medium color man and woman gingerbread template.
CLICK HERE for the medium coloring man and woman gingerbread template.
CLICK HERE for the medium outline man and woman gingerbread template.
All the ginger ladies throw your hands up! Now I have just the gingerbread lady. She is the cutest with her gingerbread dress.
CLICK HERE for the large color gingerbread woman template.
CLICK HERE for the large coloring gingerbread woman template.
CLICK HERE for the medium gingerbread woman template.
CLICK HERE for the small gingerbread woman template.
CLICK HERE for the small gingerbread woman outline.
Gingerbread Man Christmas Hat
These cute printable hats are a fun party hat for kids in class or at a Christmas party! I have tons of other fun Christmas Hats and Headbands for parties! Use one or more of the fun designs.
CLICK HERE for the Gingerbread man color hat.
CLICK HERE for the Gingerbread man coloring hat.
10 Gingerbread Man Crafts
Here are a few ideas of simple gingerbread man crafts to make with kids and ways to use these gingerbread men templates this holiday season.
Gingerbread Man Paper Craft
This is a simple craft to make at home or in a class with kids of all ages. Print out a large or medium template. Then take a piece of light brown paper. Rip it into small pieces. Put glue on the template and glue the small pieces on the template. This makes for a super simple craft project, great for small kids. You can also use tissue paper to put on the gingerbread man or woman.
Decorate A Gingerbread Man
Lay craft materials out on a table including markers, pom poms, googly eyes, pipe cleaners, glitter, and tissue paper. First kids can color in the gingerbread men. The they can use white glue or a glue stick to glue the craft materials on the gingerbread man. It is a fun craft that lets kids use their imagination with ways to dress up a gingerbread man.
Gingerbread Man Coloring Pages
Use the coloring printable as simple coloring pages. The thick lines make them easy for young kids to color in but older kids can add more details. Color in with colored pencils, markers, or crayons.
Gingerbread Man and Woman Play Doh Mats
Put the printed out sheets in sheet protectors or cover with clear packaging tape. This makes them reusable for play doh mats. Kids can roll out play doh on the mats and fill them in with different colors of play doh.
Gingerbread Man and Woman Banner
The gingerbread man and woman in the medium size or large are great for party decorations. This can include banners and table decor. Simple print out the templates on white card stock paper. Then cut them out along the outline. Punch two holes on the top right and left side of the gingerbreads. Then string ribbon through the holes. Hang up the banner for some adorable decorations.
Gingerbread Man Sun Catcher
Use the gingerbread outlines and print it on brown paper. Cut out the center, leaving the outline. Add contact paper sticky side up on to the back of the paper. Add small pieces of tissue paper to the middle. Then cut out the paper to leave the shape of a gingerbread man.
Christmas Cards
The small gingerbread men are great for making homemade cards. Kids can decorate the cards to give out to family for Christmas!
Bulletin Board Decor
These gingerbread men and ladies are fun for a gingerbread man theme decorating a bulletin board in a classroom. This is such a cute theme for decorating a class!
Gingerbread Man Ornament
You can turn the craft into an ornament to enjoy for years to come. Decorate the tree with gingerbread ornaments. Use the template to trace and make a salt dough ornament. Kids can also just make a paper ornament using cardstock paper. Punch a hole in the top, add a string, and hang the gingerbread man on the tree.
Gingerbread Cookies
One of the best holiday traditions is making Christmas cookies and gingerbread cookies are a classic! Use the outlines to cut out gingerbread man shapes for some fun cookies.
About Valerie Jackson
Hi I'm Val! I love making simple crafts with my kids using free printable templates. Come craft with us!
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