Free Rocket Ship Template
1 2 3 blast off! Are you ready to make a fun rocket craft with this easy rocket ship template? This is a perfect craft for young kids learning about space. Just download the free printable template pdf file and print out your rocket ship.
This simple activity is perfect for younger kids from preschool through elementary school. Make a rocket ship that can move through space. This craft is great with a space unit learning about space. Use an earth, an astronaut, alien, the moon, and comet templates. Have a theme week using this free printable template.
If you need sun templates to go with your rocket I have those as well.
There are a few different rocket ship options to customize this craft to your needs. Whether you are using it as a birthday party craft, school project, or just crafting with your kids these rocket ships are fun for everyone!
Materials to use with Free Rocket Template:
Download the free template pdf file to print.
Print it on a home printer or at a print shop.
White cardstock paper or white printer paper
Different colored craft papers. Red, grey, yellow, and black work. Construction paper is a cheap option for kids crafts. Pick any different colors of your choice to make it your own.
Glue stick
Ways to Use the Free Printable Rocket Ship
First you can simple use it as a rocket ship coloring page. Print out the rocket multiple times to make many coloring pages for a group. Color the rockets in a variety of colors with markers, crayons, or colored pencils.
Next for a R is for Rocket alphabet activity. Having an object or animal that starts with the letter helps kids learn their alphabet and what letters make what sounds.
For simple cut and paste space crafts just cut out the individual pieces and glue them together. This works on fine motor skills for kids and hand-eye coordination.
Make a flying rocket ship by putting the printable rocket ships on straws to make it really move and blast off. Blow into the straw and the rocket will fly! Straw rockets are really fun for kids.
Another way to make the rocket move is to put it on a black piece of paper attached to yarn wrapped around the paper to pull the rocket up and down. Use black paper and splatter paint white on top for the stars. Then add a rocket to fly through the sky.
Make a fun outer space background for the rocket by splattering white paint on to black paper. This makes stars in the galaxy!
Toilet paper roll rocket template. Wrap the template around a toilet paper roll to make it stand up and as a toilet paper roll craft.
Use the template with a space theme sensory bin.
Download the Rocket Template
To download the rocket template patterns just get the free pdf file. Open it with a pdf reader. Then print it out on white card stock paper or white printer paper. The files are for personal use, non-commercial use but can be printed out multiple times. If you are using them for a class print out the template as many times as you needs.
First is a simple build a rocket template. This one has a variety of shapes including rectangle, triangle, and circle. This option is great for young kids learning their shapes.
CLICK HERE for the shape build a rocket template.
This next rocket is another build a rocket template with a different style. Color, cut, and paste the pieces together. You can print out the full rocket image right below it as a guide for where the pieces go.
CLICK HERE for the build a rocket template.
This is a full rocket template. It can be used for crafts and coloring.
CLICK HERE for the full rocket.
Make the Rocket Craft
If you are building the rocket first you will want to color the rocket pieces.
If you are tracing the pieces trace them on colorful paper then use scissors to cut them out. You can cut multiple sheets of paper at once stacked together to save time.
Now it is time to glue the parts of the rocket. Glue the smaller pieces on to the main body of the rocket. Glue the window of the rocket on first. Then the bottom of the rocket ship. Last glue the flame of the paper rocket on to the back of the rocket. Every rocket needs a big flame!
Then when you are done glue it on colored paper for the background. Now you have a fun rocket ship!
Now you have your own rocket ships! These rocket templates are perfect for fun craft projects and learning about the solar system. Read a fun space book to go with the rocket craft.
About Valerie Jackson
Hi I'm Val! I love making simple crafts with my kids using free printable templates. Come craft with us!
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