Pumpkin Face Template Printable
Halloween is right around the corner and one of the best Halloween family traditions is going to the pumpkin patch. Then carving pumpkins and putting them out on the front porch. If you are looking for a fun free printable jack o lantern template look no further. Below you will find a variety of free printable pumpkin face templates.
There are a few fun ways you can use these stencils. First is for carving pumpkins with any skill level, use them for crafts, or even Halloween decorations.
For younger kids they can always do pumpkin painting and glue on the faces. This allows the little ones to participate in carving time without the chance of injury. Pumpkin carving parties are fun with kids. Just get small pumpkins and they can pick their faces to put on the pumpkin after painting.
If you want to practice drawing your own pumpkin designs I have some fun whole pumpkin templates to practice on!
Also if you are looking for some fun Halloween crafts to go with the pumpkin faces check out these ghosts crafts and monster treats.
How to Use the Pumpkin Templates
First pick the free stencils you want to use. Then click on the CLICK HERE button above the image of the free pumpkin carving patterns. You need a pdf reader to download the pdf file.
Next print out your pumpkin face on a home printer or print it at a local print shop. You can print out as many Halloween pumpkin stencils as you want but these stencils are for personal use, not commercial use.
That is it now you can use them without even leaving the house. No need to get a pumpkin carving kit and these are great for a beginner carver. If you are more advanced add extra details.
10 Free Printable Pumpkin Templates
First is a spooky face. This is perfect for anyone that likes the spooky side of Halloween. This template will look great as a pumpkin carving. The scary eyes are my favorite part of this template.
CLICK HERE for the spooky face
Next is a classic smiling pumpkin. This jack o lantern face is the perfect tradition pumpkin. Why mess with a good thing when the basic pumpkin face is so cute! The smiling pumpkin with triangle eyes and nose never goes out of style.
CLICK HERE for the classic smiling pumpkin.
This one is similar to the last template but it has a wider smile and less teeth. Slight difference allow for everyone to have a little variety. You can also mix and match faces to make an original. This lantern face will look great glowing in the night.
CLICK HERE for the wide mouth smiling face pumpkin.
The next pumpkin face has pointed teeth. It gives it a little bit of a monster feel. The monsters come out for Halloween and this monster face is the cutest! I also have some fun monster faces for a monster craft that could also be used for carving!
CLICK HERE for the pointed teeth pumpkin.
The printable stencil pumpkin with a zig zag mouth looks a little spooky but still kind of cute. The eyes and nose are cute but the mouth is spooky. I love the perfect mix of nice and spooky.
CLICK HERE for the zig zag mouth pumpkin.
These funny little lantern faces has sweet eyes and a big wide smile. It looks friendly and not very spooky. The simple design is easy for carving and will make an awesome pumpkin for kids.
CLICK HERE for the sweet eye pumpkin template.
This Halloween face is a little scarier for the scary Halloween season. If you like the spookier side of Halloween like watching scary movies this face is perfect for you! I can imagine this face on a pumpkin on the front porch with some scary decorations.
CLICK HERE for the scary Halloween face.
This face is a cute happy face. The round eyes give it a softer look and make it a little bit silly. This one always makes me smile and would be great for carving pumpkins with kids.
CLICK HERE for the happy face pumpkin template.
This scream pumpkin carving stencil is perfect for the Scream lover! That is a fun movie or series of movies to watch each year before Halloween.
CLICK HERE for the the scream face pumpkin.
This last pumpkin face is a Jack Skellington inspired face. I love the Nightmare Before Christmas. It works as a Halloween and Christmas movie. This face is a fun one for pumpkin carving.
CLICK HERE for the Jack Skellington inspired face.
4 Halloween Stencils for Pumpkin Carving
First is a flying witch silhouette. What is Halloween without a witch or two? Make a moon around the witch or just have the witch.
CLICK HERE for the flying witch outline template.
This bat outline will look great carved on a pumpkin. It is simple and the perfect addition to a Halloween pumpkin.
CLICK HERE for the bat outline.
Next is a cat outline and some small bats. You can use one or both of these outlines. A cat on the ground and bats in the sky make for double the Halloween fun.
CLICK HERE for the cat and bat outlines.
Lastly I have a fun flying ghost. This friendly ghost is an easy outline for beginners. It has simple lines for carving.
CLICK HERE for the flying ghost.
How to use the pumpkin faces for carving
First pick the pumpkin face you want from the pictures. Click on the click here button above each pumpkin face.
Then the pumpkin template digital file will be download. You need a pdf reader to open the pdf file. You can download multiple templates. These templates are for personal use, non-commercial use.
Next print out the template or templates. You can print them on a home printer or send to a local print shop. I print on card stock paper for a thicker paper. You can also use just white printer paper.
Then cut out the black part of the face. The eyes, nose, and mouth.
Tape the template on to a pumpkin once you have taken out the seeds and it is prepped for carving.
Take a black marker and draw along the outline of the eyes, nose, and mouth. You can also just carve in the cutouts with the paper taped on the pumpkin.
Pumpkin Carving Tips
First you need to pick the right pumpkin! I’m the first to admit I’m not the best at picking out fruit. A ripe pumpkin like a watermelon should make a somewhat hollow sounds when you tap on it.
I try to choose a pumpkin that is a medium size. Make sure it has enough space for your design but not so much space you have to make a super large pumpkin face. You can bring a printed out template with you to pick out a pumpkin!
Cut out the bottom of the pumpkin! It is easier to cut off the bottom and remove the insides from the bottom. It is also easier to add a candle to the inside. No one wants to burn their finger on the candle trying to put it into the top of a pumpkin! Make sure to also poke a few small holes in the top to let smoke and air out.
Make sure to scoop out into the outer layer. The thinner the outside layer is the easier it will be to carve.
Use an ice cream scoop or large spoon to remove the stuff inside of the pumpkin. This is an easy way to remove the pumpkin guts and seeds.
Keep the pumpkin seeds to bake and eat!
Trace your design with a pencil first so you can erase and make any adjustments needed.
Pick an easy design! Most of my designs are easy because I’m not an expert pumpkin carver(is that a thing?). I want carving to be fun and as easy as possible.
For young kids allow them to just decorate and glue on faces. They can help remove the insides from the other pumpkins and just decorate theirs with paints. Kids love playing with the pumpkin guts! However, it’s better to leave the actual carving up to the adults.
Protect the pumpkin from rotting by adding white glue or petroleum jelly around the outside and edges.
Keep the pumpkin in a shaded area to help it last longer.
If you don’t want to add candles add cute flashing led lights or flame less tea lights. Just make sure they can be used outside.
About Valerie Jackson
Hi I'm Val! I love making simple crafts with my kids using free printable templates. Come craft with us!
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